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Ramsgate Through The Senses.
April 12th - 13th
Tapas with Bruce, Jessica and Nick
The Fermentorium
Margate Mushrooms
Seaweed Pressing with The Driftweed Artist
Floating Frequencies
more coming soon...
RTTS Sign up
Why have we bought Ramsgate Through the Senses (RTTS) under the umbrella of Ramsgate Festival of Sound(RFoS)?
Well, we see it this way: we already saw RTTS as a younger sibling to RFoS. If we want this newer festival to flourish and nourish like RFoS has (in this economically challenging time that it is), we have to think smarter, not harder, and share our resources.
We're looking forward to sharing this year's festival with you very soon.
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